A View from the Pews Discussion

If abuse happens in your church, would the leadership push aside the victim for the sake of the church and leadership image? OR, would your church leave the 99 and run to help the victim/survivor? I’m just asking, because it is important to prepare and not be blindsided. “A View from the Pews” is available…

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A View from the Pews: Reprise #17 – Is it Enough?

When I think about the number of years it has been since my first inkling of a problem at FCCF/Christ First, I shake my head. Then I realize it has all been worth the lumbering timeline to get to the point where one of the survivors is suing the senior minister and the church in…

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The posting of an open letter to my senior minister from the wife of a former youth minister at my church split my reality and cranked my head around to see what it was all about. I loved this couple who had moved on to another church. I had worked with him on writings I…

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Life ticks off with its daily duties and nightly rituals, and I begin thinking it will always be the same. Then a rude awakening shakes me to my socks and nothing remains but memories of what was before. Has that happened in your life: the news of sudden death, or health issue? I certainly never…

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The personal injury case filed against FCCF/Christ First Church and Steve Wingfield by John Doe2 was reassigned to a different judge for hearing and determination as of August 1, 2023. You can track the progress of the case on the courts website: https://www.courts.mo.gov/cnet/cases/newHeader.do?inputVO.caseNumber=21SL-CC04432&inputVO.courtId=CT21. Is your church leadership transparent to the members? Do you know where…

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/ The question arises again as to who pays attorney fees when the church goes to court. The first time, the church sued the whistleblowers. Now, FCCF/Christ First finds itself on the other side of the table as the party being sued by one of the victims. It’s a valid question, either way. After several…

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A View from the Pews: The Deposition

The personal injury case against Steve Wingfield and FCCF/Christ First takes a new direction from the chain of continuances since the initial filing on September 21, 2021. It’s been a long time coming, but depositions were ordered by the court on behalf of all parties to the case. The inside story will become court record…

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Are you a pastor? Do you need an enlightening book to create awareness in your church body? Are you a pastoral student? Do you need a case study revealing the upheaval due to clergy coverup? This timely and important information can to help protect your ministry and your congregation. Thank you for this review, J….

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Another court continuance drags out the personal injury case against FCCF/Christ First and Steve Wingfield that was filed in October, 2021. A mediation meeting in the personal injury case against Steve Wingfield and FCCF/Christ First ends with further delay until the end of July. So, we wait for another convening of the court. You can…

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Another court continuance drags out the personal injury case against FCCF/Christ First and Steve Wingfield that was filed in October, 2021. A mediation meeting in the personal injury case against Steve Wingfield and FCCF/Christ First ends with further delay until the end of July. You can keep up with court dates with this link: https://www.courts.mo.gov/casenet/cases/searchDockets.do?inputVO.caseNumber=21SL-CC04432&inputVO.courtId=CT21…

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