Now we come to perhaps the most insidious practice in clergy cover-up, that of passing on the abuser to another organization instead of notifying authorities. This move only threatens the next group with the abusers actions toward them. I wrote about this in the companion book A View from the Pews: The Inside Story of…

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Let’s shed some light on how accountability works in the cycle of abuse. From the book: “I’m learning about the divide in tyrannical governing. I’ve mentioned the duality of power, but there is also a hierarchy of accountability. The abusive minister sets a different standard for himself in that he is the chosen one, God’s…

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Clergy Cover-up: Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting is used often by abusers to establish their position over that of anyone questioning their behavior. They turn God’s Word into weapons to go against their perceived attacker. From the book: “Abusers use distortion of biblical passages to gain their desired response. I have personal experience with Scripture twisting both from within my…

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Clergy Cover-up: Shaming

Allow truth to shine in the darkness of cover-up. Keep asking pertinent questions. From the book: “Shaming One must never criticize their church. If you do, you are looked at as disloyal, a troublemaker. How could you raise issue with the ones under whose teaching you sit? You must show absolute, unquestioning loyalty. Justin Humphrey…

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Clergy Cover-up: Silencing

Silencing is a pressure tactic to keep questioners from speaking out. Have you experienced this? From the text: “Once you stand up against the wrongdoing, the pressure to back down and self-censor increases. Ask the whistleblowers, the ones named in the legal documents, the ones who lost jobs. Threats of lawsuits, legal protective orders, church…

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Clergy Coverup

From the foreword: “Fighting sexual crime should be a collaborative effort. We all need each other in this fight. Evil has been winning for far too long. It’s time to restore the innocence of our children and protect them from dangerous predators within the church. Jimmy Hinton, MDiv” If we are going to affect clergy…

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It’s About the Children

Read of the methods of Clergy Cover-up and what the biblical response should be on behalf of victims. What is your church doing to safeguard the children? #clergycoverup This book and its companion book “A View from the Pews – The Inside Story of a Broken Church” are available on Amazon Help me help victims….

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Clergy Cover-up, Does it Work?

I asked this question with the last post I made for “A View from the Pews – The Inside Story of a Broken Church.” “If abuse happens in your church, would the leadership push aside the victim for the sake of the church and leadership image? OR, would your church leave the 99 and run…

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