So much to think about this time of year, Father…prayers of a young mother marveling her fate, ancient stories told by shepherds and travel blogs of wise men trying to elude a king in visiting the King of kings. The glitz and trappings get in my way, and the noise of credit cards sliding through store registers obscure the true meaning. Can I go back to that pitch dark, silent night when the star exploded across the sky and the angels spoke of peace and great joy? Can I pull myself out of the hubbub and ponder what all this means not only for my here and now, but also for coming days and circumstances? Lord, I am a saved child of God, but lead me down that spiritual road again and talk to me about the Scriptures like you did with the two from Emmaus. Refresh the burning truth in my heart. Renew the joy of your salvation and the treasure of the greatest story ever told. Bring the import of Christmas to life once again. Put this wonder and miracle into the hearts of those who don’t know you. I ask these things in your name above all names, Jesus, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen.
“And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” (Luke 2: 18-19 ESV)