Today is a beautiful day, because the God who calls us is faithful, and He will do what He says He will do. (from 1Thesalonians 5:24) #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday
Anna’s Song
April 5, 2016
Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20160405
April 5, 2016
Today is a beautiful day, because the God of peace sanctifies us through and through and keeps our bodies and souls blameless at the coming of Jesus the Christ by not only the atoning power of the cross, but also by the glorious promise of the resurrection. (1 Thessalonians 5:23) #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday
Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20160404
April 4, 2016
Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20160403
April 3, 2016
Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20160402
April 2, 2016
Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20160401
April 1, 2016