Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20200731

Today is a beautiful day, because we have prayer and praise, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.” (James 5:13 ESV) #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I seek to know your vision, your wisdom, your guidance and your purpose. My pastor gave us these questions for prayer. What are you going to do through me? How are you going to do it? What is your timing to actualize your vision? I look at these spiritual queries before me in…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20200730

Today is a beautiful day, because we have direct access to God by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, “Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” (Hebrews 13:15 ESV) Praise #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Almighty God, El Shaddai, you are above all. I come to your throne, humbly and boldly, to ask that you intercede and turn this worldwide chaos into your peaceful order. Hover your Holy Spirit over the murkiness again to draw it together, rooting out evil and lawlessness. The Lord rebuke those who come to bring…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20200729

Today is a beautiful day, because Jesus calls us brothers and sisters, “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying, ‘I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing…

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Joy in Verse Tuesday Audio – The Covering

Prayer for Today

Almighty and Loving Father, unify your church body. With all the divisive rancor working it’s way throughout our population, bring your bride together in one accord, focusing on Jesus, attending to the Scriptures daily to grow in knowledge of you, worshiping in heart, mind and soul. For you are the one true God. Jesus is…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20200728

Today is a beautiful day, because “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8 ESV) Praise #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Father God, make a way where there seems to be none, and get your message out to those who need to know you. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20200727

Today is a beautiful day, because we know how to prepare for Jesus’ return, “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit…

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