Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, my devotions bring me to this challenging verse that makes me ponder my position of faith. You submitted to baptism though you were sinless. I submitted to baptism as a public statement of my faith. You shed your blood on the cross though you were sinless. You died for the sin in me….

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20220616

Today is a beautiful day, because “He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil, he will dwell on the heights; his place of defense will…

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Dismissing the Faithful

It wasn’t long after the celebrity minister’s return that pink slips went out to three remaining ministers. Did they feel betrayed? Did they feel hurt by the church after years of service? What did this mean for the victims of abuse? Their avenue of support was no longer available, because the plan the church elders…

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Prayer for Today

So many issues, decisions and things to overcome on a daily basis, Lord. It’s part of the struggle of life. Believing didn’t make that go away, but it gives me the grace to approach the day’s tasks. Thank you for making me an overcomer. Thank you for each day’s portion in your precious name and…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20220615

Today is a beautiful day, because “Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice. Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm, like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.” (Isaiah 32:…

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Announcing the Celebrity Pastor’s Return

So, the church split; and, as the elders requested, we all ‘moved on,’ except for the survivors. There was no ‘moving on’ for them. What was the church doing for them? From the book: “The six months went by in a split-attention sort of way as Everyday Fellowship continued to grow closer as a church…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, thank you for my family. Thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are one in the Spirit. I bring my praise to your mercy seat in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20220614

Today is a beautiful day, because God warns before he judges, “Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel, ‘Because you despise this word and trust in oppression and perverseness and rely on them, therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach in a high wall, bulging out and about to collapse, whose…

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This Present Darkness

The hard realization that reform would not be part of the future of FCCF saddened me. I watched the downward spiral of the church I loved and served for over a decade. There was no going back. From the book: “The Truth and Reform FCCF members began gathering in the sanctuary of a nearby church…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, I open my heart. Fill it with the love for others that I cannot muster. Help me pray for those who come against me. Help me to discern in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “We love because he first loved us. If anyone…

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