What about those of us in the pews? What was our plight? What decisions did we face? Were you aware of the details as they happened? What was your position? Did you taste the bitter water? Did you see the exodus of families leaving the church and wonder why? Did you ask the pertinent questions? How did you come to the conclusions you made? What could be done to keep the church body informed? I’m just asking in love for all my fellow pew occupants.

From the book:

“I’ve wrestled with the logic of those who stayed at FCCF. There’s a truth in the saying that ‘ignorance is bliss.’ How can someone know the water is sour if they haven’t tasted it? Many church members weren’t at the meetings for leaders and parents. Many hadn’t seen the issues that those of us who pushed to restore FCCF experienced personally. Many never experienced Steve Wingfield’s disdain. Years ago, I lived with my family in one of the units owned by my parents-in-law. The water supply consisted of a cistern that stored city water for use by several units, including the one we occupied. At one time the water became bitter, and I worried about its safety. Yet, my concerns were brushed off when I complained to my father-in-law about it. That is, until he drank some of the water while working outside the units. The problem got fixed that day. Some people don’t comprehend until they have tasted the water themselves.” (Taylor, Joy S., A View from the Pews — The Inside Story of a Broken Church, 2022, Lily of the Valley Publishing, Santa Claus IN, p. 158.)

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A View from the Pews” is available on Amazon in print and ebook format, along with being available to read through the Kindle Unlimited program. Choose your preferred method and read the rest of the story. This project is for the victims. Every book sold and every page read helps support Safe Connections non-profit in St. Louis. Please join me in the cause for victims of abuse.

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