Prayer for Today

Father, I bow in recognition that You are in control and I am not. You are the God who redeems, restores and repurposes for the greater good and for your glory. There is no one like You. You are holy, set apart. You are just, merciful and full of grace. It is not about what…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, help me be a good neighbor, a helpful neighbor, a praying neighbor, a loving neighbor, a hospitable neighbor and a generous neighbor. I humbly ask in your name and authority, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen. “‘Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, please grant me wisdom to discern. Grant me love enough to give to others. Provide so that I may share. Help me walk as a child of the Most High, being kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Show me how to pray for those who come against me for the sake of their…

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Prayer for Today

Four hundred years of your silence is four generations, Father. That’s long enough to extinguish a narrative, but it didn’t. The words of the prophets and the promise of the covenant echoed through generations of the faithful. I just stop and thank You for the miracle of those who stood in the deafening silence, seeking…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I’m trying to wrap my brain around the commitment Mary made in becoming the mother of the Savior of the world. The immensity and impact of the love in her heart for You amazes me. She loved You because You first loved her. Her spirit rejoiced in You. She recognized the works You had…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, let me be cognizant of opportunities to tell others how good You have been to me. I don’t want to miss a chance to speak up. Please, put people in my circle of influence who need to see You at work, then open my mouth to say what You want them to know. Soften…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, You are worthy of all honor and glory. Fill me with your abiding love so that I can be a conduit to others around me. I want my actions to show my commitment to your ways. I want my words to echo in agreement. Please, don’t let me say one thing and do another…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, have mercy upon us. Give us clarity in the fog of war, in the choking smoke and mirrors of government and wildfires. We stand to pray for peace and that your will be done. Only You know the future. Only You are in control. Help us to see through the distraction and deception. Point…

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Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, I am a sinner called by name to come out of the darkness and into the marvelous light within your household. I am one who was in need of repentance, redemption and healing. I was saved by your mercy and grace. Fill me with your steadfast love that can overflow onto those…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I come to You with a humble request. When I am angry, let me show mercy. When I am hurt, help me return mercy. When I am frustrated, help me grant mercy. I can’t do this in my flesh. I can only become merciful as You guide me in grace and forgiveness. Habakkuk asks…

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