Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, thank You for giving me insight and understanding as I study God’s Word. Father, the Scriptures hold wisdom and mystery as You will to reveal. I don’t understand it all, but You continue to open my heart and mind to each new nugget of Truth. I stand on your promises. You are the…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I pray for the ailing church. May the congregations that call upon your name take the path that leads to your Truth and your transparency. Many seek great numbers and greater tithes. Turn them to seek You first. Put your shepherds in charge of the flock instead of corporate-type leadership. Show them how to…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, I love having You present in me. Wherever I go, You go with me. I can raise a prayer that is instantly heard. Even when I can’t put words together that make sense, You intercede for me with groaning to the Father. You know the deep secrets in my heart, and You know…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, help us break free from our sins and iniquities by the power of your salvation, by the infilling of your Holy Spirit, who guides us in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. You, Lord Jesus, are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Renew us in your name and authority, according to…

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Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for your unwavering promise of eternal hope. Lord Jesus, thank You for sealing me with your Holy Spirit. Thank You for the joy of your salvation in your name above all names and unmatched authority, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen. “But this I call to mind,…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I pray for unrepentant hearts to turn back to You and seek your mercy and forgiveness. I pray for those who have gone astray. Let them long for a closer relationship with You. Allow your Holy Spirit to cover the globe, touching and freeing souls. Jesus, please make yourself known. We desperately need You….

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Prayer for Today

Oh, Father, thank You for your grace. Your timing is perfect. Your mercy captivates me. Surely, I have seen You at work for the greater good and for your glory in the land of the living. Once I tasted the goodness of your steadfast love, there is no turning away. You are exalted in the…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, shine your light on the parts of me that only You can reach. Let there be no hint of my concealing them. You brought me into this world. You know my deepest thoughts that I haven’t put words to. You called me by my name to come out of darkness and into your marvelous…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I count on your blessings and mercies. They are new every morning. They calm me when I get anxious. They comfort me when I am hurting. They restore the joy of your salvation. In the name and authority of Jesus, thank You, Father. Be glorified according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “The…

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Prayer for Today

You hear me, Father, whatever my circumstance. You see me, Father, for You are El Roi, the God who sees us. You forgive me, Father, for I fall short of your holy perfection. You are worthy of praise in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Be glorified. Amen….

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