Prayer for Today

Dear God, thank you for new life in Christ! I praise you in the precious name and powerful authority of the one who suffered unspeakable pain and anguish to bring this to fruition, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, we come before your throne collectively adding our faith together in prayer. Though small as a mustard seed individually, we agree together in asking you to move mountains standing in the way of your work. You are able. You stand in the shadows to see your word performed. We bend our knee to…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, help us spread the good news of the benefits in believing that Jesus is Lord of our lives, especially the benefits of joy, peace and abounding hope. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, the name above all names, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “May the God of…

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Prayer for Today

God of Mercy, you are Elohim Chaseddi. Have mercy on me, a sinner in need of your grace. Nothing I do or say warrants the granting, but it is your will, your power and your favor at work. I ask in the precious name and powerful authority of Jesus, who humbled himself to your perfect…

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Prayer for Today

Holy God, your Holy Spirit testifies with my spirit. Help me listen more closely as he guides me in talking about your goodness, your grace, and your salvation. I ask in the precious name of Jesus, the center of the gospel, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “…except that the Holy Spirit testifies…

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Prayer for Today

You have measured me and found me lacking, Lord. I am not wise enough, courageous enough, strong enough nor powerful enough. But for your Holy Spirit, I am nothing worthy of your attention. He is your glory in my midst. You are the Lord of my flesh, my wisdom, my source of courage and strength….

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Prayer for Today

I sense it, Lord, this sanctification process, I sense it going on in me. My spirit testifies with your Holy Spirit, and I welcome the change. Keep making a new thing in me. Keep making a way, streams in my desert, when dry days take my breath away and when abundant days call for celebrating…

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Prayer for Today

Jesus, be revealed. Let the Spirit rain down. Let dreams and visions point to you and begin an eternal journey that honors and glorifies you. I ask in your precious name and authority, and according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen. “And in the last days it shall be, God declares,…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, keep us fresh in sharing your steadfast love to those around us. Give us new ideas to capture hearts for your glory. I ask in the precious name of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10 ESV)

Prayer for Today

Yahweh Rapha, you are the God who heals. There is no other like you. I praise you for your mercies. I praise you for your miracles. I thank you in the name of Jesus, the greatest miracle of all, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “There the LORD made for them a statute…

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