Prayer for Today

Dear God, let others see you in us. May they know we are followers of Christ by our unity and our love for one another. I ask in the precious name of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner…

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Prayer for Today

The last days draw nearer, Father. Each sunset brings us one day closer to THE last day. Impress urgency upon us to speak of Jesus and what he has done in our lives. Revive our faith and facilitate its spread through your gospel. Put your visions of Jesus before unbelievers. Wake them with dreams of…

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Prayer for Today

Great and Awesome God, your Scripture is powerful and life-giving. Just the reading of the Book of the Law of Moses by Ezra melted the people’s hearts and turned them to you in repentance. They had rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls against the opposition, and then you rebuilt their faith just by their hearing the Book of…

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Prayer for Today

Adonai, you are the Lord God, who lead your people out of captivity with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. It was you who brought them to the land you promised. It was you who called the leaders to serve. It was you who spoke instruction and wisdom to them. It…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty Creator and Sovereign God, there is no one like you whose word goes out and does not return void. Help us plant the seeds that you grow into believers. May your word speed ahead of us to honor and glorify you. It travels at the speed of light today. Honor our efforts face-to-face and…

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Prayer for Today

Keep us, our Father, keep us in your care. Keep us from the evil one. Keep us sanctified in truth, as Jesus prayed for us. Keep us grounded in your Word. Keep us within the circle of your will. Keep us focused on forever with you as we go about the normal rhythms of our…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, sometimes it seems as if the wicked surround the righteous and the shouts of darkness overpower the voices of love and salvation. Gather your followers. Open their mouths to speak your truth. Let us hear the thunderous sound of their prayers. For when two or more gather in your name, Lord you are in…

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Prayer for Today

El Olam, everlasting God, you are El Elyon, God Most High. You carefully crafted your redemption plan, the incarnation of the Word to walk on earth, teaching, healing, dying for our sin and resurrecting for your glory. What a beautiful story that touched my heart and brought me into your household as I believed and…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, tear down the walls within us that keep you out. Swing wide the gates to our souls and take control. Overcome the false teachings of our past and supplant them with your truth. Show us our standing, having the image of God. Increase our faith. Remove stumbling blocks. Set us on your higher…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, help me live out your concept of less of me and more of you. Fill me with your love and peace that I may share with others. Let them see you in me. Let them want more of you by learning what you have done for me. Be glorified in my story. I ask…

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