Prayer for Today

God of heaven and of earth, you are Most High. The harvest of souls looms essential, and your workers need your rest and peace. You are their strong tower, whether in the field or on home assignment. You are with them. May they rest between your powerful shoulders. May they mount up on wings like…

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Prayer for Today

Holy and Mighty God, may the joy of the Lord be our strength. May we experience the stubborn and unspeakable joy of your salvation. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus who gave joy to the depth of our spirits, according to your good an perfect will. Amen. “Restore to me the joy…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, there is no one like you who deserves all glory and honor. I want you always before me. Forgive the times I forget your holiness, the times I skip giving you glory, and the times I don’t honor you first. Remind me that I was created to bring you glory. I was saved…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are Yahweh Rohi. You are the Good Shepherd. Lead us in your way. Keep us on the right path. Don’t let us turn to the right nor to the left and get off-track. Speak your wisdom and guidance into our daily routines and dreams of the future. There is no one like…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, God our Father, give us the wisdom to turn to you and pray during those times we feel surrounded and don’t know what to do. Lift our hearts, minds and souls to you. I pray in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “O our God, will…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, you are the one I choose. I take my lot with you. You supply all my needs and take me to pleasant places. You give me a beautiful inheritance in your courts. I bless you for your counsel, even the nights you wake me to pray. The early morning prayers you arouse me…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty Sabaoth, God over the hosts of heaven and of earth, there is none like you, none more righteous or powerful. You hold the hearts of kings in your hand like streams of water. You turn them wherever you will. I pray Scripture over the leaders of my country. I pray for their wisdom and…

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Prayer for Today

Yahweh Sabaoth, you are LORD of hosts, over the armies of heaven and earth. There is none like you. You hold the hearts of kings like streams in your hand, and turn them wherever you will. Give us courage to walk in your ways like Jehoshaphat, Father. His was fearless as he brought down the…

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Prayer for Today

Inspired by your Holy Spirit, King David wrote your wisdom, Father. Unless you call, unless you supply, unless you sustain, unless you build, all our work leads nowhere. Our vain efforts fade. Our tributes to ourselves sour, and our mansions crumble. Awesome God, we listen for your call. We seek your provision. We ask for…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, my deepest desire is to know and be known, to love and be loved. You fulfill that desire like no one else can. I pray others find relationship with you a possibility and then a reality. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen….

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