Prayer for Today

Father God, you are the God of rejoicing. This is the day you created for us, and we rejoice in it. May we live with abundant and stubborn joy that cannot be shaken by circumstance. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, who looked past the pain of the cross to see everlasting…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty and Sovereign God, we desire to please you. We praise you for the wonderful things you continue doing on our behalf. May our faith grow. May we ready ourselves to give explanation of our belief and the reasons we believe. May we honor your name in the process. May we prayerfully consider each outreach…

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Prayer for Today

God of Truth, you are the one True God, the Holy One. We plant the seeds of salvation, someone else waters them, but you grow them, Father. I ask for growth of seeds of truth. Grow them into the sincere desire to know your more. Move the soil around them. Soften the hearts of those…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, may we adhere closely to Paul’s admonition for us to walk in unity, loving and serving one another. He says it so much better than I. May you be glorified in our walk. I pray in the name and authority of Jesus, the Christ, according to the good and perfect will of the…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God and Father in Heaven, raise up a new generation of those who seek your face. Be glorified in the outcome. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God…

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Prayer for Today

God of the nations, I pray for my country. We sin before a holy God. You are righteous and holy, Father. Forgive our unrighteousness. Turn our eyes and souls to your path. Let us not seek our own glory, but tell of your goodness. Humble our overblown egos. Give us your perspective. I pray for…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are sovereign over all the earth. You turn the hearts of kings like you do the rivers that flow to the oceans. Just as you turned the heart of Cyrus, King of Persia, to use him in rebuilding Jerusalem and the temple, turn the hearts of our loved ones who don’t know…

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Prayer for Today

Anxiety runs away with my emotions, Father. You are the God of peace and trust. May I lean not on my own understanding, but trust fully in your Word to lead me. Put my soul at ease, and allow my efforts to succeed effectively. I get in the way, Lord. May there be less of…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are sovereign over all nations, tribes and tongues. Plant your language of love in our minds. Allow us to speak to those we serve so that they understand you better and desire to know you more. May we never forget who we are and to whom we belong. We are your servants,…

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Prayer for Today

God of Creation and judgement, you are our all-in-all. Help us today as we work for your kingdom, building upon what others did before us. Let the work of our hands stand the test of fire. Let the outcome glorify your holy name. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your…

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