Prayer for Today

“Rejoice and be glad.” But, Lord… “Rejoice and be glad, I say.” It’s hard to get out of this rut, Father. “Rejoice with trembling.” (Psalm 2:11 ESV) I forget who I am; and I’m not sure I can do this. “Serve the LORD with fear; and rejoice with trembling.” (Psalm 2:11 ESV) Everything seems so…

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Prayer for Today

Loving Father, you hear my prayers. That’s a promise from your Word. Let there never be anything that blocks our communication. I’m sitting quietly today to hear you sing over me. I think carefully today about those we celebrate this holiday weekend. Holiday. Holy. Day. I’m remembering the men and women who died defending freedom…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are higher than any authority of man. You build up nations, and you tear them down. You put people into power and use them for your glory. Lord, I lift up our military to you today. I praise you for providing men and women who give everything they have for their countrymen….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the God who sits on the throne from eternity to eternity. You are the author of holiness and righteousness. You are the executor of the new covenant. You stand in the shadows to see your word performed. It’s dark here on earth, Father. The more things change, the more they stay…

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Prayer for Today

God, I seek your guidance again today. I need it for every step I take. It can’t be a one-time-and-done thing for me. I need you constantly guiding my thoughts, words and actions. Lead me where you want me to go today. Give me your wisdom to speak. May I be a living example of…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious and loving Father, there is no one like you. You are the God of promises which are always kept. All your promises find their ‘yes’ in your Son, Father. You fulfill every promise in your Word. That is why we say ‘amen’ to your glory. That is why we have eternal hope. That is…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, there is a young buck lying down at the edge of my property where the woods begin. Seeing him reminds me of Psalm 42. “As the deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my heart for you, O God.” (Psalm 42:1 ESV) It’s true; how I long for the times spent with you,…

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Prayer for Today

Father, you are the God of all things new. You are the God who raises us from death. You are the God who replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. Lord, I pray for revival across the globe. I ask that your Holy Spirit hover over us, convicting the unbelieving and protecting believers….

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Prayer for Today

God in heaven, you are the God of life. Father, protect our children. Another Amber alert in the middle of the night, another accident of carelessness, another disease or another abortion threatens the most vulnerable among us. Put your hedge of protection around our kids. Put your love for life in our hearts. Change the…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, watch over the steps I take today. Let me walk only in your ways. Do not let me veer to the left nor to the right, but always walk according to your will. You prepare the way before me. You light the way. You make a way where there seems to be none….

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