Prayer for Today

Where would I be without your steadfast love and mercy, Lord? You rescued me in my darkest hour, pulling me from torment to peace. You thwarted the pressures against me and strengthened me through the struggle to overcome. I can’t measure the heavens; nor can I wrap my mind around the distance between the east…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, thank You for calling me by name to come out of the darkness, up from the pit, and into your marvelous light. Thank You for allowing me to see what life is like walking among your benefits, crowned with your steadfast love and mercy. Thank You for invigorating my steps with youthful exuberance….

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, show me a sign of your favor. Lower my stress in trying times. Comfort my heart in upheaval. Open your gates and let me see your steadfast love and faithfulness. Push me to a higher faith. Forgive me where I fall short, and renew my quest to know You more. I pray in…

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Prayer for Today

When I’ve no place to run, I run to You, Lord. When there is no shelter, I turn to You for refuge. In the middle of the storm, You guide and protect me. When the sun shines and all is right in my world, You are the cause. There is no one like You who…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, open my eyes to my true state before You. Highlight the dark spots in my heart needing to come into alignment with your precepts. Teach me through your Word to see and come to You in repentance. Remind me to inventory my actions and words throughout the day and bring anything to You that…

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Prayer for Today

Father, You brought me out of the mire many years ago and set my feet upon the rock of your Word. You made my steps secure and put a new song in my mouth. You have grown me into a Second Corinthian servant, sharing my testimony to help others. I give You all the glory,…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I can’t count the number of times You turned my mourning into dancing and clothed me in gladness. There is no other like You. There is no other love like yours. There is no better place to be than within the circle of your will. I love to sing your praise in the midst…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I love and trust You, for I have seen your mercy in the land of the living. I have felt the touch of your compassion and rested in your peace. There is no god like You who spewed the stars to decorate the night sky, set the planets spinning, and who seeks a personal…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, let me learn more of You that I can follow your ways. Lead me in your path that I may not stumble. Remind me of your steadfast love and mercy as I live in the joy of your salvation. You continually work for the greater good and for your glory. Be glorified in the…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, Everlasting Father, You are my Protector and my Provider. You are Good. You are the God of Compassion. Your attributes never change. Your promises are sure. Your eternal hope is everlasting. You bless me with a call to follow your precepts during my days this side of heaven. You prepare a place for…

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