Prayer for Today

Jehovah Hashopet, you are the LORD, our judge. You are just and judgment surely comes. Keep me grounded in your Word and ever repentant of any lapse in humility toward my Holy God. I pray your Holy Spirit guards and guides my thoughts, words and deeds. I marvel at King Hezekiah’s reaction to hearing of…

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Prayer for Today

Loving Father, your Spirit testifies with mine that you are who your Scripture says you are. You fulfill what you promise. I see you working continually for the greater good and for your glory. In a sense, I see the shadow of your hand moving as you did in response to Isaiah’s request. Please, Father,…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty, Benevolent Father, your mercies never end. You are righteous and just. When King Hezekiah fell deathly ill, he prayed for healing and you honored his request with 15 additional years. You told him for the second time that you would defend the city for your name’s sake. Only you know the length of my…

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Prayer for Today

You come to my aid once again, Lord. I needn’t fret. You are with me. You help me. You strengthen me. You uphold me with your righteous right hand. You go out on my behalf for your name’s sake. Blessed is your name above all names. All the honor and praise are yours. I sit…

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Prayer for Today

El Elyon, you are the God Most High. There is none like you who goes out for your beloved. Let the scoffers proclaim their folly. Let the cries of the opposition resound. You will not be mocked. Your will cannot be thwarted. The outcome of the spiritual battle cannot be changed by proclamation or circumstance….

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Prayer for Today

Father, you are the God of second chances. You are the God of salvation and forgiveness. However, you are also the God of justice and consequence. Open our eyes to your holiness. Help us grow to be more like Jesus. Show us the error of our steps and guide them to your purpose. Remove our…

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Prayer for Today

Jesus the Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, You are Messiah. You are our Redeemer. You are in all and above all. There is no partial belief. We repent with our whole heart. We confess all our transgressions. We live totally for you or not at all. You gave your all for all…

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Prayer for Today

Lord God, help our unbelief. Remind us that you are who your Word says you are. You will hold to your covenants. You keep your promises, both general and specific. Steer us away from doubt in any circumstance. Don’t let our hearts grow faint, but bolster us with your mighty working power. You are the…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, open our eyes to see that the battle is not ours. We see it raging, but remind us that you have already won. Bolster our faith. Forgive us when we doubt. Assure us with your peace. Forgive our unbelief. You are God and there is no other. Jesus wears the victor’s crown to…

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Prayer for Today

By your Holy Word, Lord, I have the assurance that one day I will either hear the trumpet call and see you coming with the saints in glory or I will be among the saints who come with you. However it occurs, I am blessed by the joy of your salvation forever. You are worthy…

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