Prayer for Today

England’s Queen sleeps with her fathers, and the throne passes to a new king. The world says “God save the King!” I pray, “Jesus, save the people. Turn them to believe in you, follow you and love you. You are the hope of the world. You are our salvation and there is no other. I…

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Prayer for Today

I come before your throne, Gracious Father, to ask your hand upon your children. May your Holy Spirit intervene and prevent us from straying out of the circle of your will. I see so many who choose gain over principle. Help us to stand firm on your Word in the name and authority of Jesus,…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty Loving Father, guide my path through your Holy Spirit. Tune my ears to hear only your voice. Protect me from false teachers who come in the name of the Lord, but spew false doctrine. Your Word is truth and your purpose cannot be thwarted. I come to your throne for your favor and blessing…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, you are LORD of all that is in me and all that I have. There is no other. There is no limit to your rule. You are the God of the hills and you are the God of the valleys. You gave me life and you sustain it to your glory. Your will…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I am not a prophet, nor would I ever claim to be. I strive to be faithful and obedient. I want to learn more of you. I pray to leave a legacy for my children and their children as an example. I pray they see Jesus in me. I pray they desire a relationship…

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Prayer for Today

I love you, Father God. I love you, Lord Jesus. I love you Holy Spirit. I bend my knee only to you. Grant me strength and discernment to not be deceived. Loose the courage in me that only you can arouse. Help me to stay on the path of your choosing in the name and…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I sigh at my reading about Elijah. The man who prayed down fire at Carmel prayed to die but a few days later. He acted as if no one recognized God as the fire fell from heaven, but the people shouted “The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God.” How many times…

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Prayer for Today

El Shaddai, you are God Almighty. There is none other. You will make yourself known. You are the One True God. There is no one like you who goes out for the salvation of your beloved. You alone merit our praises in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will….

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Grant me discernment in this age of redefinition of words to make a narrative. Let me see through the fog of information to recognize what is right and truthful. Show me those who would deceive me for their own gain. Make the words coming…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, increase your circle of influence as you work in me. You are growing my knowledge and wisdom in Christ. Your Spirit sustains me, revives me, refreshes me, and encourages me. He is the un-fathomed well that replenishes my supply to move from day-to-day. He is the push of the breeze against my back for…

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