I asked this question with the last post I made for “A View from the Pews – The Inside Story of a Broken Church.”
“If abuse happens in your church, would the leadership push aside the victim for the sake of the church and leadership image? OR, would your church leave the 99 and run to help the victim/survivor? I’m just asking, because it is important to prepare and not be blindsided.”
There is no way of total protection for your church, but there are ways to prepare your congregation to be aware and watchful. I’ve compiled several stories of churches and ministries who weren’t prepared and tried to comer up the abuse to protect the organization. I delved into the church hierarchy that tends to encourage hiding abuse; and I go through the methods most used to silence and intimidate victims.
Would your church protect the victim and handle the situation biblically? I’m just asking.
Pick up a copy of the book, paperback or e-book, from Amazon.
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