Scripture Twisting is used often by abusers to establish their position over that of anyone questioning their behavior. They turn God’s Word into weapons to go against their perceived attacker.

From the book:

“Abusers use distortion of biblical passages to gain their desired response. I have personal experience with Scripture twisting both from within my abusive marriage, and from my experience with what happened at FCCF/Christ First.

“The FCCF/Christ First elders put out a lengthy biblical explanation as to why it was okay for the church to bring a lawsuit against the whistleblowers, some of which were current members. In essence, the church members named in the suit sued themselves in the name of the church. It was twisted madness to justify a poor decision. The elders quoted 1 Corinthians 6: 1-8 which says Christians should not sue each other in front of the ungodly for judgment of trivial matters. The ‘trivial matters’ became their pivot point to give them permission to sue current and former church members and employees. They brought out that Paul chose to go before Caesar because he was a Roman citizen. However, Paul was not trying to silence his accusers.” (Taylor, Joy S, Clergy Cover-up Does it Work?, Lily of the Valley Publishing, 2024, Indiana, p. 27.)

Clergy Cover-up is available on Amazon. God is good! The book is in the top 100 on Amazon in the Clergy division. Thank you to my readers! You are making a difference.

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