Now we come to perhaps the most insidious practice in clergy cover-up, that of passing on the abuser to another organization instead of notifying authorities. This move only threatens the next group with the abusers actions toward them. I wrote about this in the companion book A View from the Pews: The Inside Story of a Broken Church. The lead pastor sent the youth minister, who’s questionable behavior had been reported, off to a sister church in the area. It didn’t take long for the pastor of that church to complain about certain behaviors and reports of which he became aware.

From the book:

“Sending the Perpetrator to Another Ministry

The logic of the cover-up may include getting the perpetrator out of the building as quickly as possible and masking, silencing and deflecting what occurred under the leadership, and potentially by
leadership. Take note of the way the Catholic Church shuffled tainted priests/brothers from one diocese to another or whisked them off to ‘retirement’ facilities.

“Brandon [the youth minister convicted on multiple accounts of sexual abuse of minors] gained access and control of several youth during these two years. It gives credence to the theory that there could be more victims than are known by authorities.” (Taylor, Joy S., Clergy Cover-up Does it Work?, Lily of the Valley Publishing Services, 2024, Indiana, p. 32.)

Clergy Cover-up is available on Amazon.
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