Silencing is a pressure tactic to keep questioners from speaking out. Have you experienced this?

From the text:

“Once you stand up against the wrongdoing, the pressure to back down and self-censor increases. Ask the whistleblowers, the ones named in the legal documents, the ones who lost jobs. Threats of lawsuits, legal protective orders, church disciplinary actions or possible expulsion make members wonder if it’s easier to walk away to another church. The majority of people take this route. Some of them don’t stay long enough to find out the depth of the facts. They react to the unsettled division and leave for calmer sanctuaries and more peaceful roundhouses.” (Taylor, Joy S, Clergy Cover-up Does It Work?, Lily of the Valley Publishing, Indiana, 2024, p. 20.)

It’s about the children. Aren’t we supposed to protect and honor them? It’s about victims and survivors. Aren’t we supposed to hear them and help them recover? Royalties from sales go to Safe Connections a non-profit serving abuse victims in St. Louis, MO.

“Clergy Cover-up Does it Work?”  is available on Amazon

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