Who gives the fox access to the hen house to find out why chickens and eggs keep disappearing? I’m just asking.

From the book:

Steering Clear of Outside Investigation

Internal investigation is biased information, tainted by the close association of the investigator to the investigated. A leader who appoints subordinates to investigate a trail of evidence that may lead to his office door most likely appoints an ally who will misdirect the investigation or an incompetent one who is likely not to discover truth. The train robber should never take the lead in the investigation of the train robbery. The power imbalance plays here as well, especially in church governance built for the elders to circle the wagons around the CEO figure.” (Taylor, Joy S., Lily of the Valley Publishing Services, 2024, Indiana, p. 29.)

Clergy Cover-up is available on Amazon. God is good! The book is in the top 100 on Amazon in the Clergy division. Thank you to my readers! You are making a difference. Royalties go to Safe Connections in St. Louis, a non-profit serving victims and survivors of abuse.

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