Almighty God, let your Spirit hover over the seas of humanity. Bring a wave of revival on this earth. Create a new life in all he touches. Set the hearts already in tune with yours aflame to speak your holy name to the nations. Send visions and dreams to those who sleep. Reveal yourself to those and awake them to your glory. Open the eyes and remove the veil clouding the vision of the One True and Holy God. Allow us to touch the hem of your robe that fills the temple. Revive us once again. Give a glimpse of the joy of your salvation to those who don’t know you. Draw them to you closer and closer, until they sense you calling. Speak to the depth of their souls and beacon them to come, drink the water of eternal life. Be glorified in the outcome. I ask these things in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.