Father God, Abba, you are Father to the fatherless and refuge for your children. Open your heavenly court as i come before you with my petition for the children. I pray for the little ones, living in terror due to drugs, domestic violence, homelessness or being trafficked. I bring them to your mercy seat for your special attention. I pray the protective blood of Jesus over them. I bind up evil spirits and demonic activity around them in the name of Jesus. It’s you, Lord Jesus, who call the children to come to you. I pray that you end this tragedy happening to kids. I pray to see you work a mighty deed on their behalf to free them from the bonds of sin forced upon them. Remove the fear and trauma and allow them to dance and play again. I plea for them in your name and authority , according to the good an perfect will of the Father. Amen.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14 ESV)