Prayer for Today

What does this mean, Lord? This day of an eclipse is hyped with all types of end-times messages. I figure that It doesn’t profit me to fret, knowing You are in control. When the time of the great and magnificent day of your coming arrives, it will bring all glory and honor to You. It’s…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20240408

Today is a beautiful day, because Peter preached, “And all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, ‘What does this mean?’ But others mocking said, ‘They are filled with new wine.’ But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: ‘Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let…

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Prayer for Today

Father, help me love others. I pray in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34 ESV)

Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20240405

Today is a beautiful day, because “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (John 13:34 ESV) New #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Lord, how do I put spiritual peace and joy into words? How do I limit the unfathomable, the immeasurable? Paul used the terms ‘unspeakable and indescribable.’ Perhaps I have to leave it there, because my time with You is all of these and more. I bring reverent praise in the name and authority of your…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20240404

Today is a beautiful day, because “‘For I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.’ And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body, which is…

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Prayer for Today

A new thing, a new authority, a new teaching, a new covenant…thank You, Lord Jesus! I pray in your name and authority, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen. “But Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘Be silent, and come out of him!’ And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20240402

Today is a beautiful day, because “But Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘Be silent, and come out of him!’ And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice, came out of him. And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority!…

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Prayer for Today

The hickory grove boasts the hint of green at the branch tips, the woods highlighted by the redbuds in bloom. The sense of newness leads me to believe the dogwoods are not far behind to push out their white blossoms. The change brings a softness of my heart after a cold, stark winter. I pray…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20240401

Today is a beautiful day, because God makes things new, “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26 ESV) New #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday