Prayer for Today

King Jesus, You are the Mediator of a better covenant. You are Messiah, the Son of Man, the Bright and Morning Star. I love You. I trust You. I cherish the time devoted to prayer and worship that brings me closer to You. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for filling all the deficits…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, Jesus, I’m awed by how You want an intimate spiritual relationship with me. To think that this new self is being (present participle, continually being) renewed in knowledge after your image blows my mind with gratitude. I love You, Lord, and I thank You in your name above all names, by your authority that…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I am so thankful You pulled me out of the pit of abusive relationships and deceit. I spent years lying to myself and to others, trying to be what those around me wanted so that I would be liked. You forced me to take a hard look at how I got there, and I…

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Prayer for Today

King Jesus, You are my peace. I run to You for solace in times of distress. I turn to You when my spirit is dry and my soul longs for more. I come to You for help and wisdom. I exalt You for the good times. I trust You, not for what You have done,…

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Prayer for Today

Father, You made me a new creation, and your Word renews my mind daily. Thank you for wanting a personal, growing relationship with You. Thank you for sanctifying my soul and changing me to be more like Jesus. I raise my prayer of appreciation in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, help me clean out the old leaven. Shine your loving glory into the dark places I may not realize still exist within me. There were so many years of strife and contention, help me rid my heart of the dregs. I want to be that pure unleavened lump. I want to celebrate in sincerity…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, thank You for freeing me from my self-made captivity. Thank You for pulling me from the pit of bad relationships and my self-made captivity. Thank You for bringing me out of the darkness and into your marvelous light. I sing my praise in your name above all names, Jesus, according to the good…

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Prayer for Today

Father, keep me within the circle of your will. Put your hedge of protection around me and let me feel the prick of a thorn from the hedge when I try to stray. I desire to continue in this newness of life You have put within me. I desire to serve You and to love…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I come humbly before You to ask that you make yourself known to those who don’t have a relationship with You. Captivate the hearts of those who push You away or run from your presence. Turn them as You turn the rivers. Flood them with the water of life without price. I believe we…

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Prayer for Today

What does this mean, Lord? This day of an eclipse is hyped with all types of end-times messages. I figure that It doesn’t profit me to fret, knowing You are in control. When the time of the great and magnificent day of your coming arrives, it will bring all glory and honor to You. It’s…

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