Prayer for Today

I need a rest, Lord, a retreat. I run into your refuge for renewal. I move under the shadow of your wings to hear the song you sing over me. I rest between the powerful shoulders that protect and comfort me. I run to you. I thank you for rest and retreat in the precious…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, today is labeled the “National Day of Prayer.” In my mind, every day needs to be devoted to prayer. Today I pray for the nations, Father. Pour out your Spirit upon them. Cast off the scales that blind them. Open their eyes to see Jesus. Open their hearts to know him and to…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for the assurance of your promises. Increase our territory as believers. Let our testimony to your love and salvation spread in our communities. Allow others to see Jesus in us. I ask in the precious name and powerful authority of Jesus, who sealed our place…

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Prayer for Today

Holy God, you are loving and gracious. You are above all things. Help me keep a right perspective of that in my work for your kingdom. Caution me when what I do becomes more important than you, when loving my efforts replaces loving you. May I always put you first. I ask your mercy and…

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Prayer for Today

Mighty God in heaven, you are sovereign. You hold sway over the nations. You hold sway over our days. Open our hearts to pay attention to what your Word says. Bring many sons to glory. Bring them singly. Bring them by families. Bring whole communities to the saving knowledge of you, Father. Be glorified in…

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Prayer for Today

Open our eyes to the possibilities of conversations about you, sweet Jesus. Give us words to express the unspeakable blessings you have poured out for us. May we be bold in telling the story of how you pulled us out of the pit and into your marvelous light. I ask in your precious name and…

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Prayer for Today

Days come and days go. People come and people go. Family members come and go. Life comes and life goes. Jobs come and jobs go. It’s all a roller coaster ride through a revolving door. Constancy becomes a necessity. That is you, Lord. You are the one and only constant in life, life here and…

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Prayer for Today

Mighty King Jesus, conqueror of death and darkness, you are the light of the world. With you ride hope and rightness. Darkness pervades without you, but light overcomes darkness, not the reverse. Your light shines brighter than all our personal glory. Your truth cuts deeper than any two-edged sword. Your salvation brings life and hope….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I remember my fellow workers in the faith today. I lift them to your mercy seat for your favor and blessing. Forgive me, Father. I can’t recall the last time I prayed for them. Allow me to rectify that now, and keep me in prayer for them daily. Encourage their hearts with your…

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Prayer for Today

Righteous Jesus, Son of God, King of kings and Lord of lords, make yourself known to unbelievers and scoffers. Become their reality. Allow them to experience your presence. Remove scales from their eyes, much as you did for Saul of Tarsus, who believed and repented; this Paul wrote more books of scripture than any other…

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