Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, bind up false teaching. Open eyes and minds to the truth of Scripture. Tear away the scales that keep the ones you love in bondage to ritual. I ask for your intervention, Lord, in your name and authority above all, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen. “Thus says…

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Prayer for Today

Adonai, you are the Lord God. You have spoken. Open the ears of your church again. Bring your precepts and promises to bear on every organization that claims to be of you. Embolden them to stand against evil. Increase the power in the prayers of your saints. How long, O Lord? How long until addictions…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty and Holy God, revive us again. Open your floodgates, let us see the King of Glory come in. Keep us positive in our daily routines. Let your church reach out to the unbeliever. Call those we touch. May they come through veil of the blood of Christ and into a full relationship with you,…

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Prayer for Today

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are the Trinity of relationship. You established the family. I lift all relationships and families for your favor and blessing, Father. Draw them closer together and closer to you. Bind them with your loving kindness. Remind them to share the love you give among them. Hold them accountable to…

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Prayer for Today

Precious Jesus, not only meek and mild, but also preeminent and powerful, you come soon. You told us your second coming approaches. Until then, you left us with the message written by the Holy Spirit through Matthew that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. You repeated it twice in his writing….

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Prayer for Today

Almighty and Holy God, there is none like you who goes out for the salvation of your people. I come to the base of your mercy seat to thank you for your sovereignty. I ask that it be your will to eradicate addiction from the face of the earth. Give strength to those who fight…

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Prayer for Today

Dear Jesus, you lifted the burden of our sin from our shoulders through your redeeming work on the cross. Quicken our steps, now as we seek to do your will. Strengthen our bodies and minds to carry through. You hold our souls in sacred protection. You stand at the end of the race which you…

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Prayer for Today

Great and Holy God, there is none like you, who spoke the words over and over, “I am the LORD your God.” If we hold stake in your words, Father, we also have to believe what you said about Jesus as your Son. All four gospel eyewitness accounts tell us Jesus is your Son, in…

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Prayer for Today

O, Jesus, what a beautiful name in which to believe. What a powerful and purposeful existence you grant for the faithful. What marvelous assurance you give in truth of salvation. Remind us again that you hear the prayers of the believers. May we live confidently, knowing you hear us and answer when we pray in…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, help our unbelief. Grow our faith and boldness to accept your salvation and proclaim your goodness and glory. You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Let us speak your name like the apostles, because we know you and abide in you. Let us not cower to the acceptance of…

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