Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, there is no Savior but you. You stated you are the only way to the Father. You are the way, the truth and the life. You are the only one authorized by God to grant eternal life. Thank you for explaining the process when you prayed for the souls God have you. You…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, remind us there is one true God, one saving faith, one Christ, one salvation and one foundation. As you are one with Jesus and he is one with us, we are one with the body of Christ. Let us stand together as one team of servants with one purpose that glorifies you. May…

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Prayer for Today

Yahweh Shammah, the Lord is there, is your name. You are with us in all things. In light of day, you lead your people in a pillar of smoke. By night, you lead them in a pillar of fire. You speak from the bushes as you did for Moses. You speak in visions and dreams…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, pull your teams aside to rest, regroup and re-establish bonds as they move forward in ministry. Teams within and without churches, ministers and ministries, small groups and prayer groups, Bible study groups and work groups, Father, all need time to retreat into you and rest between your powerful shoulders. Give them good food…

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Prayer for Today

Jehovah, LORD, you are the God of personal relationship. You sent Jesus to conquer sin and death, establish your church and teach the apostles their roles in spreading your message of the good news and the hope of salvation through believing in your gospel. Oh, to be able to stand in Jerusalem where you told…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, may your believers exhibit genuine and captivating traits that draw unbelievers to you. May we be the example that causes them to want to know you more because of what they see in us. I pray they see the compassion of a loving God who goes out for the salvation of those who…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious God, you are Yahweh Shammah, the God who is there. There is no other. May people across the globe who seek some higher power, some greater being, listening for a word, hear your voice of truth which calls them to Jesus. Holy Spirit, lead them to faith in the Son of God. Be glorified…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, may those who do not know Jesus hunger and thirst to know him. May they understand that he is the missing piece of their heart. You placed the desire in our hearts to know and love you long, long ago. May they follow their hunger to the bread of life who is Jesus….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are El Olam, the everlasting God, the eternal God. There is no other. May the prayers of your saints outnumber anything ever offered before. May they fill the golden bowls of heaven with sweet fragrance in your presence. You are the God who hears our prayers and answers. Be glorified in our…

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Prayer for Today

I lift a special prayer for those getting married today, Father. My prayer for you is peace. My prayer for you is patience. My prayer for you is purity. My prayer for you is prosperity.   My prayer is for your future. My prayer is for your faith. My prayer is for your family. My…

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