Prayer for Today

Gracious Lord, let us be your beacon today. Let us bring your hope and joy to everyone we meet. I ask your favor and blessing in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so…

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Prayer for Today

Loving Father, you are the God of power and strength. You are Elohim, powerful Creator, LORD. You are Yahweh, Jehovah, the Great I Am. You are Adonai, master and owner of all creation, LORD God. There is no one like you. We take refuge in the shelter of your wings. We acknowledge your power and…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are God Most High. Jesus, you are the one who overcame the world and death. Sin and evil hold no sway over you. You conquered them. I ask that we see your power over them working in our communities. I pray to see chains and bondage to ideologies and false teachings broken…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious Lord, you are the perfect example of caring for loved ones from a distance. Let me follow your lead and pray God’s will over those who are not with me. Those relatives that live miles and miles away, the friends I left behind in St. Louis and friends serving you in other countries are…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the creator of night and day, season after season. You are Elohim, mighty creator. There is none like you. Season upon season, time after time, you provide and you sustain. Whatever season we are currently traversing, you are there with us. You walk with us through seasons of work and effort….

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Prayer for Today

Gracious Lord, increase the territory of our influence as we tell of your victory. I bring my praise today for the way you softened and touched the heart of an abortion minded mother yesterday. You heard our cry for help. Your Holy Spirit showed up to turn her heart toward keeping this precious life you…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, I pray you could see Jesus as I see him. For me he has been a chain breaker, heart mender, life saver, worth giver, soul lover, savior and dear friend. Dearer than any other I have ever experienced. He has wrapped me in his love and absolute acceptance. He brought me to a place…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, you are holy. There is none like you. You go out for the salvation of your people. You set us apart. You are the difference in us that others see. We are sinners, cleansed in the blood of Christ and wrapped in his robe of sanctification, becoming more like him every day. Send…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, point our family members and our friends and their families to Jesus. Move them closer to the joy of salvation today. Let them be the start of a landslide of ones we love accepting Christ as Lord and Savior, turning away from a sinful past and toward eternal life with him. I ask…

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Prayer for Today

Father, so much is going on. So much is pressing in. So much is weighing us down. So much is bending our hearts and heads away from you. I pray that we lift our eyes to your power and might. I pray that we meet Jesus for who he is and what he means to…

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