Prayer for Today

Lord, you gave us apostles, evangelists, prophets, shepherds and teachers to equip us for ministry. Touch our hearts with their lessons. Open our eyes to your greatness. Show us how we build up your church for your glory. Your goal is that we study toward attaining the unity of faith and full knowledge of you….

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Prayer for Today

Holy God, unite us through your gospel. Propel us forward with the only saving message. Keep us pulling in the same yoke of your salvation, throwing our full weight the same direction for your grace and glory. Don’t let us be swayed by false teaching and premises not present in your Scriptures. Ground us in…

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Prayer for Today

There’s a new kid on the block, Father, a new member of the team, an addition to the department, an added heir to the covenant. Help us welcome them with all the love, acceptance and encouragement in us. Open our hearts and arms to assist them however we can. Begin the bonding process that builds…

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Prayer for Today

God over the hosts of heaven and earth, you are the God Most High. You are Yahweh. There is no one like you. What do you require of us, but to do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with you? You call us to higher ground. You call us to grace, patience and unity….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I looked up the word, ‘advocate’ in my Vines Dictionary, and guess where it took me…well, you already know…it took me to ‘comforter.’ “Parakletos: called to one’s side, i.e., to one’s aid.” It brought me to the Holy Spirit, whom you sent as comforter and guide, educator and advocate. It brought me to…

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Prayer for Today

Holy God, your Word speaks truth and encouragement. I lean on Paul’s inspired prayer for seeking inner strength through faith in Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit. “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches…

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Prayer for Today

Abba, Father, may I be open with you for just a few? I love that you named me Joy, and I disdain that you named me Joy. How does that dichotomy work? It is both a blessing and a difficulty that you named me for stubborn recognition of your joy within me. Lord, you tell…

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Prayer for Today

Tempus fugit, Father. Irretrievably, time flies. Hours build to days and days to weeks, and my to do list is as long as ever. Mom tried to warn me. I can’t get back the wasted hours. The older I get, the faster the globe seems to spin. Every day dawns, and before I know it,…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, someone needs your healing hand today. Someone needs the Holy Spirit to straighten out their ‘organizational operation’ within their body. Someone needs to know you are at work on their behalf. Someone needs to know and feel the warmth of your healing hand on their shoulders and racing through their systems, cleaning out the…

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Prayer for Today

Jehovah Mekoddishkem, you are the God who sanctifies me. You are the God who makes me holy. There is no one like you. Because of your perfect will, my past is obliterated. It no longer holds sway over me. You forgave the choices I made that saddened you. You called me out of the darkness…

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