Prayer for Today

Gracious God, Abba, Daddy, you are the Father above all. You are father to the fatherless and to those with fathers in their lives. You are the example for all fathers. Thank you, Lord. I pray for fathers on this Father’s Day. May they be celebrated among their families today. I pray for those whose…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious God, your Word is Truth. Let it nourish our souls as the food you provide nourishes our bodies. It is a precious possession. You continue to protect it as you have for over two thousand years. Your message prevails, it goes out and does not return void. I lift up those who own a…

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Prayer for Today

Jesus, we are desperate for you. We seek you on our knees. We seek you in our prayers. We seek you in fasting, and in coming together in worship. Lord, show yourself. Reveal your truth to us. Let the community leaders see visions and dream dreams of you. Show us your glory. Please, forgive our…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, there is no ‘good-bye’ with you. There is only forever ‘hello.’ My relationship with you is the only thing I take from this earth into heaven. It is the most valuable thing I possess. It is the most lasting thing I possess. It is the most fulfilling, the most positive and the most hopeful….

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Prayer for Today

Father God, you are the one who set the planets in motion. You order their orbits and hold them together. You sent your Son to redeem your people, and you send the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and helper. We carry Him wherever we go. Let your Spirit shine from our eyes. Let Him…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Abba, Daddy, you are the Most High God and our ever-loving Father. LORD God, we all need to know your Son, the Lord, the Holy One, the Anointed One, the Savior, the Christ. Open our eyes to see Him. Open our hearts to receive Him. Let us see Him in our…

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Prayer for Today

Father, seems like yesterday that I called you the God of grace and salvation. We work so hard to earn your favor and grace, yet we have it backwards. You poured out your grace in Jesus, your Son, full of grace and truth. Lord, as we seek to gain favor through works, remind us of…

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Prayer for Today

God of grace and salvation, you are the God of life. You bring it to being. You sustain it. You use it for your glory and honor. You bring it back from the ashes when we mess it up. May we recognize its value. May we see it as precious. Father, I lift up the…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious and loving God, you know no time, but we are finite. Help us to sense the urgency and put the limited ticks of the clock to the best use for your glory and honor. Organize the times for everything under heaven–time to live, time to die, time to build up, time to tear down,…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the one true God. You desire everyone to come to a saving knowledge of you. I lift up the people in our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, states and nations. May we all see the truth in you, Father. May the scales be lifted from our eyes to see you at…

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