Prayer for Today

You, Lord, are my solace, my comfort, my encouragement, my shield and my refuge. I trust in your love. I trust your Word. I trust your promise to never leave me nor forsake me. I relish your presence. I cherish the teaching through your Holy Spirit. I wait for your touch. I worship in your…

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Prayer for Today

We are in troubled times, Father God. The phrases “like never before” and “this is unprecedented” flood current postings. This is not new to You, Father, nor are You surprised by it. Past generations had their own times of trouble, and You listened to their cries. You walked through the storm with them. You walk…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I want your will to be foremost in my desires. Waiting is not my forte; but plunging ahead before You move gets me into messes. I don’t like messes, Lord. I don’t like them more than I don’t like waiting. I will wait to see You move. I will wait to hear your prompting….

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Prayer for Today

Father God, grant me your wisdom and discernment to make the next right choice, the next positive step, the next loving statement and the next prayer of praise. Thank you for your loving kindness in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “The mouth of the righteous…

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Prayer for Today

I stumble and You pick me up. Lord, I trip from my misstep, but You prevent my falling. You hold fast to my hand that falters. You redeem my efforts and my time. You restored the years the locusts destroyed. You set my feet on your solid foundation. You guide my path and light my…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I hold to your promise that the Son of Man will send His angels to gather all causes of sin out of His kingdom. I say, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Let the wicked vanish away like smoke. Let the righteous shine like the sun in the land of the living. Let us see a mighty…

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Joy in Verse Prayer for Today

Hard times may be coming, Lord, but You stand with me. Your Holy Spirit guides, comforts and teaches me. The power of your blood protects me. My inheritance is not of this earth but of your kingdom. I pray You will be glorified in my coming and going today in your name and authority, according…

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Prayer for Today

Father, You are known for confounding the attacking armies to turn them against themselves. I humbly ask to see a mighty move of your hand that confounds the wicked who target mankind for their personal gain. I ask to see your glory so that all will know that You are sovereign, for You are the…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, open our eyes to see the mystery behind the works of the evil one who seeks to steal and kill. The evidence is everywhere. May we awake from our years of slumber to understand the consequences of what goes on around us. Give us discernment to know truth from lie. Some will not…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, your Word is my refuge and my assurance that your hand is on my today and my tomorrow. Forgive me where I fail You. Keep me on the road of righteousness in your name and authority, Jesus, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen.   “In just a little while,…

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