Prayer for Today

Thank you, Jesus, for reminding me that yours is the battle and yours is the victory. Help me stand firm. In your wrath, remember mercy for your beloved. Son of Man, send your angels to gather up all causes of sin and lawbreakers out of your kingdom. Let the righteous shine like the sun in…

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Prayer for Today

By Myself   I’m all by myself in a great big room. Shadows of no one’s form but mine fall Across the wall as I walk to my chair To open the Book and meet the Groom. Deeper love has none than Christ for his bride. I am prepared to meet Him there Alone, ensconced…

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Prayer for Today

Father, I trust you. I trust your holiness. I trust your righteousness. I trust your faithfulness. I trust your promises. I trust your forgiveness. I trust your salvation. I rest in your truth in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “Commit your way to the Lord;…

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Prayer for Today

Let not our hearts be troubled, Father. You are in control in the heat of the furnace, in the lion’s den, in the midst of chaos and even in our time. There is no one like You who goes out for the benefit of your beloved. I lift my thanksgiving in the name and authority…

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Prayer for Today

Lead me to your light, Lord. Keep me focused on your truth. You protect me in the shadow of your wings. Quench my thirst in your river of life. Light my path through all the days of my life. I feast on the abundance in your Word. I praise You in the name and authority…

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Prayer for Today

Whatever righteousness I exhibit is not of my own doing. It is the result of the Holy Spirit working in me. Lord, I take no credit for the changes you are making in me. I am a work in progress, your masterpiece. There is nothing I can boast of, for You are the craftsman at…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, Lord, you are indeed my Lord and my Salvation. I praise in your name and authority, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen.   “Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me! Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, you redeemed my life and made beauty from ashes. I am forever humbly grateful. I lift my thanksgiving in your name above all names, in your authority greater than any other, according to the good and perfect will of the Father. Amen.   “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, Lord, the number of times You heard and answered. The number of times You reached to pull me from my lump of tears. The times your presence overwhelmed me with joy and peace. You are my rock. You uplift my head. You are the song in my heart. Without you, there is no bounce…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, thank You for the wisdom of your Scriptures that encourages and teaches me. I sense your presence as I think about these words from David. They reach into my day and straighten my thoughts. They give purpose to my steps. They warn me to keep watch over my words and deeds. I seek…

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