Prayer for Today

Lord, thank you for the love You first showed me. I wondered as a kid how I could love someone I couldn’t see, but you made yourself real to me–so real I can tangibly feel You near. The paraphrase of an old hymn seems appropriate. My Jesus, I love You. I know You are mine….

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, You are good! I stop to give You praise in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, this is my prayer on this sad historic day. You know the hearts of man. You alone can faithfully discern lie from truth. You control the tongue. As you did with Balaam, do not allow lies against your righteous to prevail. Let truth win the day, for You are the Way, the Truth and…

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Prayer for Today

The storms swirl through with lightning, rain and high winds, but I trust in you, Lord. The nations plot war and society rages, yet I trust your promises. The economy slides daily, but I trust in your provision. Who can come against you? Who can thwart your plan? Who is stronger or smarter? You, O…

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Prayer for Today

Thank you, Lord, for setting me in this present broad place. Thank you for peace and assurance. Thank you for redemption and freedom. Thank you for restoration and recovery. Life is hard. It was never written in stone that life would be easy, but with You there is hope and a future. I bow to…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, soften the hearts of the unbelieving as we draw near to celebrating your resurrection. Bring them to a saving knowledge of You. Captivate them through your great love for them. Bring them close to your heart so that they can experience the joy of your nearness. Let them experience the joy of your redemption…

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Prayer for Today

The woods sway with the breezes, and the rain beats the days soft rhythm. The oaks stand majestically, reaching for the heavens. The hickories sway with worship’s emotion, and I picture the heavenly congregation singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb.” I’m mesmerized in time, seeking your nearness, Lord….

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Prayer for Today

Almighty, benevolent Father, You are the God who sings over me. You call me by my name to be of your household. You know my every need. You meet me in the darkness and walk with me on the lighted pathway. You encourage me at my weakest times and root for me when I am…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, You have been with me since that sunny afternoon on a campus lawn when You made yourself known to me. You were with me in the heated arguments when the anger clouded my vision. You were with me when I was a mere lump of tears. You stood by me through the rebuilding. You…

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Prayer for Today

I bring my prayer and praise to you today in my work imagery, for you are worthy of praise and honor, Father God. I bring my song to your throne in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen. “Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the…

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