Prayer for Today

Arise, Dear Lord, King and Lion of Judah. Show Yourself in your glory and strength so that all will know that You are near. Gather the children, the trafficked, the abused. Bring their plight to light. Bring their abusers to Your perfect justice. Bow them before Your throne of judgment. Go out for the sake…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty, all powerful God, bring your attributes to bear to benefit the children. Come against the schemes of the devil and those who do his bidding. The battle is Yours. The victory is Yours. I lift my plea for the cause of the children in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, I pray for the children. Save the children. Rescue the abused. See to the abandoned. Woe to the abusers and users of your beloved, Father. You see from your heavenly throne. You know of the stories and the brokenness. You are Father to the fatherless and You bind the wounds of the broken….

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Prayer for Today

You hear the cries of your people, Lord. You are lifted in our praises. Let the young and the old bless your Holy Name, for You are good. You are the God who sees us. You are the God who heals. You are the God who protects us. You are the God of salvation. You…

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Prayer for Today

  You visibly answer the prayers of your beloved, Lord. The Spirit is moving in the hearts of young and old. The prayer circle widens with those returning to Your household, with those hungry for Your presence. Thank you that I am alive for such a time as this. Thank you for the uplifting this…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, there is none like you. You are the uncaused cause. You are perfect and just. You go out for your beloved. You set the higher moral code for us to strive toward. You are the Everlasting Father in whom I trust. I exalt You in the name and authority of Jesus, according to…

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Prayer for Today

The revival, restoration, renewal and repentance we’ve prayed for is happening. Lord, we wanted it to begin with us, but to see that unending praise broke out at Asbury University lifts my spirits in thanks for answered prayer. It ignited in those who statistically leave the faith in the college years. They return to give…

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Prayer for Today

You are love, Father God. You originated it and Jesus embodies it. He is the lover of my soul and holds my heart. He captivates my being and draws me. He encourages me to love others with the steadfast love He shows me. I am overwhelmed that He loves with the present participle version, as…

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Prayer for Today

The Alpha and the Omega, the Great and Mighty God, the Anointed One, God Almighty, there is none like you. Your name is above all. Your authority is greater than any other. Your power is unmatched. Your wisdom outdoes the sages. Your glory lights the universe. I exalt your Name for you are my salvation….

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Prayer for Today

I lift my praise to You, Lord. I stand in your presence to acknowledge your goodness and mercy to me. I bring reverence and bow to your sovereignty. I thank You for your righteousness and sing of your steadfast love for me in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect…

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