Prayer for Today

Lord, the fact that Your existence was prophesied hundreds of years prior to Your incarnation captivates my heart and upholds my belief. The knowledge that my spirit testifies to the presence of Your Spirit within me since I believed propels me to action in Your name to live by Your commands and to tell others…

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Prayer for Today

There is no one like you, Father God, whose ways are just and true. I trust in Your holiness and Your goodness. I delight in your precepts. I desire to live up to their righteous direction and spiritual guidance. Forgive me where I fail You, Father. Bring me close to Your heart and allow me…

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Prayer for a Today

Omnipotent and Holy God, no one takes advantage of You. Nothing surprises You. You are prepared for what is to come. You know the timing. You know the order. You know the end story. Be glorified in the outcome in the name and authority of Jesus, according to Your good and perfect will. Amen.  …

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Prayer for Today

Father in Heaven, forgive me for my arrogance in believing that my bubble, my circle of influence or my understanding can fathom Your depth. Remind me where I stand relevant to Your unspeakable greatness. There is no God like you. Be glorified in my reverence for who You are in the name and authority of…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty Omniscient God, there is no one like You. You are the source of wisdom and discernment. I study to gain knowledge, but wisdom and understanding are from You. I ask for help through your Holy Spirit for my decisions. May His hand guide me in my choices. Grant me peace and assurance as I…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, You are Giver of Life and Hope. My spirit testifies with Your Holy Spirit of your existence and goodness. My heart knows Your touch, and my ears hear You whisper, “Be still and know that I am God.” My healing times are spent in quiet reverence for who You are. That is when…

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Prayer for Today

Who Are You to Me? Are you some shadowed, distant figure— Some way-off, unknown deity? This is a heart and soul encounter. Just what is it you mean to me? Then, what am I to you? Am I a faceless crowd placeholder, A member of the mass of humanity? This is a love and truth…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, You are my Rock and my Salvation. There is no one like You who goes out for the sake of Your beloved. You are the arbiter Job calls for. You are the Mediator of a new covenant that leads to eternal salvation. You are the price paid for my sin. Yours is the…

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Prayer for Today

I seek Your face, Oh God. I seek to know Your heart. I read to learn of Your attributes and great deeds. I ponder Your steadfast love. I want to sit in Your presence, to feel Your robe that fills the temple around my shoulders to warm and protect me. I desire Your peace and…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, please guide me through the rough patches of life. You are with me in a good place right now. I am grateful for Your provision and blessing. Help me be thankful in the difficult days, too. Your presence assures and comforts me. Your promises uplift me. Your steadfast love propels me. I exalt…

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