Prayer for Today

Almighty Loving Father, there is none greater or more faithful than you. There is none more holy. There is none more wise. No one can thwart what you purpose in your heart. I desire to learn more of your heart and attributes. I thank you for the Scriptures that reveal your nature and your heart….

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Prayer for Today

Almighty Creator, God over all and Ruler of the cosmos, you are El Roi, the God who sees me. Who am I that you, so mighty a sovereign, would desire a heart-to-heart relationship with me? How is it that you saw to pull me from the pit of my poor choices? I am forever grateful,…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, I stand on your promise that you will not abandon me. You will not leave me or turn away. I am secure in your commitment by your precious blood, for your name’s sake, according to the Good and perfect will of the Father. Amen.   “And David became greater and greater, for the…

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Prayer for Today

LORD God, your word is certain, and you do what you say you will do. Disobedience brings consequences. Guide me in the narrow way to carefully follow your precepts. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who teaches me for your name’s sake. I lift my prayer in the name and authority of Jesus, according to…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, oh the security to know I am forever held in your righteous right hand. I am kept by the Almighty. I am bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the Lord my God. Even when I stumble, you raise me up in your forgiveness. You go with me in…

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Prayer for Today

Life comes with pain. Suffering leads to the cross. Father God, whether hurting, healing, in exile or inclusion, may I err on the side of forgiveness. I hand you the issue, because you are just and I trust you. I lift my request in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and…

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Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, you are my constancy. You are the lover of my soul and the reason for my daily walk. You are the source of my joy in all situations and the rock of escape in hard times. You are the rock that is higher than I. Be glorified in my thought, word and deed…

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Prayer for Today

Father in Heaven, I come to your throne in thanksgiving for my brothers and sisters, family and friends who come along side me to encourage and strengthen me. Grant me the ability to pass that gift along to others. Let me be your 2nd Corinthian servant and give back the comfort with which you have…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, I want only to follow you. Don’t let my get ahead of your timing for what you have me do. Don’t let me say things before asking your will. Don’t let me take steps before I ask your guidance. You plan my walk. You decide the turns I’m to take. You make the path…

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Prayer for Today

Oppositional raids for power are nothing new under the sun, and neither is Your protection for Your people, Father God. The barbs of the enemy attempt to instill anxiety from ramifications of yesterday’s events, but men are not in control. Men struggle among themselves for power, forgetting you hold it all and mete it to…

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