Almighty God, you are above all. You are the God of all flesh. Nothing is too hard for you. Lift the heads of our youth, Father. Open the flood gates of wisdom and truth; and send torrents of living water across the globe. Lift the ancient gates that the King of Glory may come in. Bring up a new generation of believers to know you and honor you with their lives. Send revival to the current followers of Jesus to empower and strengthen them in the quest for your will to be done. You desire that all come to a saving knowledge of you. Help us be the hands and feet of Jesus to get that message to our kids and grand kids. Let them see Jesus in us. You planted the desire for eternity in their souls, now expand it to a fire to know you more. Forgive our complacency, Father. Embolden us. Transform the young ones into Jesus followers. I pray in the powerful name of Jesus, who died to cover all our sin, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.
“Lift up your heads, O gates!
And be lifted up, O ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.”
(Psalm 24:7 ESV)