Heavenly Father, I’m marveling today at how the current day scoffers sound so much like the religious leaders of Jesus’ time. The arrogance and division in their proffered theory regarding Jesus coming from Galilee showed their ignorance of Jonah’s roots from near Nazareth in Lower Galilee. The common people of the land were contemptible to the religious leaders then, just like the common people are to the leaders today. The irony of Solomon’s wisdom that there is nothing new under the sun strikes my consciousness as I pray. Open the hearts and minds of the scoffers, Father. Remove the scales covering the eyes of those yet to believe. Forgive us, for we have failed you. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray in the name and authority of Jesus the Christ, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.

“The Pharisees answered them, ‘…But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.’” (John 7:49 ESV)