Almighty and Holy God, there is no one like you. You promised to pour out your spirit on your people. You continue to do that with each new soul who professes faith in Jesus the Christ. I ask that he be overwhelmingly present in the times we worship you. Make his intercession obviously evident as we see answered prayers. Open our eyes to his work. Open our hearts to hear his promptings. Open our mouths to say his words. Use us in the work to spread your gospel. Fill our hearts and mouths with your praise. Our job is to speak up. His job is to convict and change hearts. Be glorified in our efforts, Father. Never let our hearts tire of the task. I ask these things in the name and authority of Jesus, who spoke loud and clear from the cross, yet said very few words, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.

“My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD, and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:21 ESV)