Father, I’ve been thinking about time well spent. I’ve misspent a lot of hours, to my detriment. The majority of it passed by on insignificant efforts, on TV shows, on quarrels, and such. My advanced years and, hopefully, some maturity now show me what a waste I’ve made of it. Recently, I’ve turned my focus on making moments count. Maybe because of the urgency I feel to get something done that will be a legacy I can leave in my remaining years; maybe because of the circumstances of loved ones, I am learning to weigh the distractions on my time and be more selective as to what I choose to spend it on. Father, I thank you for your spirit that keeps me in line with your will. I thank you for your perfect plan for today, tomorrow and forever. I thank you that you are the God who sees me, and loves me, even when I don’t use my time wisely. Your word says to count the minutes and make them benefit the kingdom. Help me do that, Lord. Help me to see that spending time in study of your word, that spending time with your beloved, that spending time with those I love, and spending time with you is more valuable than the latest episode of whatever might be calling me to watch it, is more valuable than arguing with a friend, is more valuable than gathering things to impress others, and is more valuable than silver and gold. The worth of time increases the older I get and the scarcer it gets. Let me live each day in your service. Let me thank you for the time you allow me to have. Let me understand the marvelous gift you have given me in the simple moments of spending time with ones I love. Let me be grateful for the times I have had with them. Let me live fully for you and love fully in you. I ask in the name above all names, Jesus, and according to your good and perfect will. Amen.
“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 ESV)