Father, sometimes the struggle to keep going threatens to overcome. Lead me onward. Rekindle your holy fire that started me on this path in the first place. Take me back to my first love of Christ. Take me back to the things I did as I first started down this road in ministry to others. Soften my heart again for the wounded, walking in my direction. Keep me steadfast, abounding in your work. Give me your working power through the Holy Spirit to motivate me to complete the work you set me to. I rest in your promise that my efforts toward obedience are not in vain. You transform even the most meager of them to your honor and glory. Thank you for standing in the shadows to see your will performed. Thank you for your constant presence, especially in the loneliest moments, that encourages me with your loving touch. I praise you in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV)