I’m excited to announce I’ll be interviewed by Dr. Debra Peppers on WQBQ Radio on September 20, 2022 at 9:25 AM.
The link to the online interview is www.1410radio.com
We will discuss my newest book, “A View from the Pews — The Inside Story of a Broken Church.” This is my account of the events that took place after a former youth pastor at my church was sentenced to 25 years in prison for sexual abuse of minors.

Keep sharing and caring about what happens to the victims. Royalties earned from your purchases go to the Safe Connections organization in St. Louis. Help me help them help victims.

#aviewfromthepews  #forthevictims

A View from the Pews” is available on Amazon in print and ebook format, along with being available to read through the Kindle Unlimited program. Choose your preferred method and read the rest of the story. This project is for the victims. Every book sold and every page read helps support Safe Connections non-profit in St. Louis. Please join me in the cause for victims of abuse.
