Prayer for Today

Almighty, Everlasting Father, You are outside of time and space. Thank you for giving John the vision of your heavenly throne. The description captivates me, and I am anxious to see it one day. Until then, I can imagine the jasper and rainbow of precious stones and the thrones of the twenty-four elders, robed in…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20210429

Today is a beautiful day, because the Apostles delegated the administrative and financial aspects of helping the poor and the widows which allowed them to focus on preaching the gospel, “Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this…

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Prayer for Today

King Jesus, you are the Amen, the faithful and true witness. You lit the fire in my soul years ago. Bolster my faith, Lord. Show me how to fan the flames of my heart. Do not let my love for you grow cold. Don’t turn your face from me. Grant me passion for your work…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20210428

Today is a beautiful day, because Jesus prepared his followers for persecution, “Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.” (Luke 21:14-15 ESV) Wisdom #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Joy in Verse Tuesday Audio – Morning His mercies are new each morning.

Prayer for Today

Holy One, True One, Jesus, you hold the key of David. You open and no one will shut. You shut and no one will open. You know me and have set before me a door that no one can shut. I am able to walk through the veil of your blood with direct access to…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20210427

Today is a beautiful day, because Jesus called out the Pharisees, lawyers and scribes for hindering people in the knowledge of God, “Therefore also the Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,’” (Luke 11:49 ESV) Wisdom #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, you are he who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. You know my works. You knew me when I was alive in body, but dead spiritually. You redeemed me into the household of God through your death on the cross and resurrection to sit at the right hand of…

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Joy in Verse Encouragement for 20210426

Today is a beautiful day, because Jesus was criticized for eating with sinners, but look at the fruit of his wisdom, “Yet wisdom is justified by all her children.” (Luke 7:35 ESV) Wisdom #joyinverse #blessedthisdayandeveryday

Prayer for Today

Exalted, Holy One, you alone sit at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me. Strengthen my faith, Lord. Help me hold fast what I have until you come. I cannot overcome without you. I cannot ward off the attacks of the enemy without your name. I cannot keep your works until the end…

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