It’s time for me to express my sincere thanks to all of you who support this project. The amount I will be able to transfer to Safe Connections approaches  $1,000 in royalties to be paid next month. This is for the victims.

God continues to do great things through this project. Many have contacted me to thank me for writing it. It’s all for God’s good pleasure. He prompted me to put together the puzzle pieces of my experience, and guided me through getting them organized. Many people have posted their stories and described how they were affected by what took place at FCCF. I saw healing of the body of believers as I read through them.

God has given a voice through reaction to this project. Pain loses its grip on our hearts once we begin putting it into words. I am grateful for each on of you who added your input to the news feeds. May the Lord continue healing your heart as you rebuild relationships that may have been interrupted by the events at FCCF. We are the body, the bride of Christ. We are brothers and sisters in Him.

I thank God for His faithfulness.

Joy S. Taylor

#aviewfromthepews #forthevictims


You can get a copy of A View from the Pews — The Inside Story of a Broken Church on Amazon.