Prayer for Today

Lord, thank you for leading and teaching me. Grant that I would be an example to my children and their children, pointing them to You. I pray they grow a closer relationship with You, beginning with this first day of a new year. I pray they seek your wisdom and discernment. Lead them in the…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, create in me the thirst for wisdom and insight, for You give wisdom and understanding. You are the Way, the Truth and the life. You are the breath that I breathe and the purpose of my days. I praise you in your name and authority, according to the good and perfect will of the…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, your presence is evident in the House of Joy. I hear You whisper your secret counsel in my prayer time. I feel the warmth of your loving touch, and the barb of your rebuke at my going outside your will. Keep me within that circle of your confidence, Lord. Grant me your secret counsel…

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Prayer for Today

Father, this passage speaks volumes to me of the value of wisdom and discernment in fighting doubt and curbing fear. It teaches me to reverence You and your attributes that guide and protect me. Thank you for reminding me of the certain ruin of the wicked, because the writer says “when it comes,” not “if…

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Prayer for Today

Father, my search for wisdom begins and ends in You. You are my source and my salvation. Remind me to seek You before making decisions and steps towards my future. I desire to stay within the circle of your will. Please, grant me your wisdom and discernment as I go about my daily rhythms. I…

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Prayer for Today

With all the turmoil and topsy-tervy events of the past three years, I have nothing and no one to trust but You, Lord. You are the firm foundation. You are the solid rock. You are the constancy in my daily walk. Thank You for your unchanging nature. Thank You for being who You say you…

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Joy in Verse Prayer for Today

Father, guide our feet into the way of peace. Only You can accomplish this. I humbly ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his…

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Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, there is so much I don’t understand. The pain of my unchangeable past that haunts my present, the grief of years gone by that revisits in waves, the anniversaries that most people celebrate, but instead bring me sorrow, help me to understand these. Grant me insight and reestablish your peace and joy…

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Prayer for Today

Oh, the wisdom of Proverbs, Father. Keep my feet on the path toward righteousness. This is my prayer as well for my children and grandchildren. The enemy stalks, waiting to steal, kill and destroy. Steer us clear of his traps. I ask humbly in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and…

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Prayer for Today

Lord, please guide my footsteps away from folly. Grant me your wisdom and discernment. Remind me through your Holy spirit to come to You before making the decision of the hour/day. You seek the best for me. I learn by seeking more of You. You are holy and just. Who can stand against You? Who…

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