Prayer for Today

Jesus, Lord, Jeshuah, you are the Anointed One, the only Son of God. I continue to pray that you make yourself known to those who don’t know you. Reveal yourself in visions and dreams, even through thoughts and messages. Speak into the hearts of the lost who need you, Lord. Holy Spirit work in their…

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Prayer for Today

Loving Father, Abba Daddy, you are distant, yet closer than our heartbeats to those who believe and call on your name for salvation. We bare our souls, hopes, dreams and aspirations to the one who hears our prayers and bears our burdens. There is no closer friend than you, Lord. No one loves us more…

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Prayer for Today

God, I wish I could measure your power, fathom the depth of your love, calculate the vastness of your ageless being, understand how you feel and think, comprehend the length and height of your holiness, breathe the fragrance of your worth, and catch the light of your glory. Father, can I know you more? Show…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, you are God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are the one true God. Help us to recognize our status with you, and our desperate need for a Savior. You are perfectly holy and perfectly just. We are fallen people in a fallen world, and…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the God who forgives our sins, heals us, and redeems us from the pit. There is no other God who is like you. Father, I pray that 2018 is a year of great renewal and revival. I pray that you draw many our of the bondage of sin and into the…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, I take time today to celebrate the year gone by and look forward to a new one in which to walk side-by-side with you. You made a way where there seemed to be none. You stood by in the shadows to see your word fulfilled. You held my heart when I thought it…

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Prayer for Today

“I thirst.” These two words, some of the last you spoke from the cross, Lord, voice the need we all have to taste of your living water. Your invitation is clear and pierces to the quick. Let it ring in all hearts. Let those who hear turn. Let those who thirst come. Let the dying…

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Prayer for Today

Jesus, my Lord, some days I just want your second coming more than anything. My heart goes to the next-to-last prayer in Scripture, “even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Like Simeon, I want to see your coming while I still live. Forgive my selfishness, Lord. The last prayer in your Word far overpowers any selfish desire…

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Prayer for Today

Long ago and far away in a distant land, you spoke to your people through prophets, Father. But, then you sent Jesus, with whom the apostles spoke directly. Now, you speak to us through Jesus and the writings of the prophets and apostles in your Word. This Jesus, who was sent by you and titled…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are far more than we can think or know. Your thoughts are not ours, and we comprehend only a fraction of them. Your plan of salvation and reversing the curse included sending the Messiah, the Holy One, the Redeemer, the Miracle-working Savior. We asked for signs. Jesus came and performed more miracles…

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