Prayer for Today

Gracious and loving God, you know no time, but we are finite. Help us to sense the urgency and put the limited ticks of the clock to the best use for your glory and honor. Organize the times for everything under heaven–time to live, time to die, time to build up, time to tear down,…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the one true God. You desire everyone to come to a saving knowledge of you. I lift up the people in our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, states and nations. May we all see the truth in you, Father. May the scales be lifted from our eyes to see you at…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the author of truth. You breathed the Scriptures to life through those who wrote them. Your Word is holy. Remind us today to study it. May we yearn for more of it. May your words dwell in our hearts to enrich our souls. May we grow closer together and closer to…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you own the cattle on every hill and everything in between. You own our hearts and our homes. Put your hedge of protection around us and extend it around our dwellings. Look out for those who take care of them while we are away. We “who dwell in the shelter of the Most…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are the creator. You wrote the plan of salvation. You sent the Holy Spirit to live inside us who confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, according to your Gospel. We are now the temple. You destroyed the physical one and took your presence from it. We take your Spirit everywhere we go….

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Prayer for Today

Abba, Daddy, you call me your child by the process of your adopting me into your household. How great is your love for me. Your presence is strong and wonderful. You uplift me with your Spirit. Your joy is like no other. It perseveres even in this present darkness. It overcomes my trepidation. It spreads…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the one true God. You speak and big things happen, like creation. You created us in your image, and you set the example for rest after a long period of working. We come today to rest between you powerful shoulders. We come to worship our one true God. Help us apply…

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Prayer for Today

Dear God, show up big today. Let the name of Jesus be shouted from the rooftops to all the nations. Let it be whispered in the hearts of everyone. Let every eye see you. Let every tongue speak the name above all names. Let every knee bow to the name of Jesus the Christ. Give…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious God, you are the one to whom we turn for all our needs. You are the author of dreams and visions. Your Spirit is poured out over all flesh. Our sons and daughters will prophecy and our old men dream dreams. Father, I ask that you spread visions of Jesus through the hearts and…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, you are the author of blessing. You bless us daily. Let me be a conduit of your blessing to someone today. Let me begin with just one. Increase my territory, Lord, for your glory and honor. I ask in the name above all names, Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.