Prayer for Today

Oh, Lord God, the power of this verse makes me shiver in awe. The visual of your glory coming to rest on the Holy of Holies affects me deeply, and it must have impacted the priests and the witnesses even more. I just rest in reverence to your greatness and your desire to be close…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, who am I that you would use me as a temple for your Holy Spirit, except as a temple of prayer. You declare that your temple will be a house of prayer, and I want that more than anything. Prayer puts me in direct communication with you. Prayer soothes my anxieties. Prayer builds…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, keep my desires in check that I may refrain from prayers of wish lists. Give me the words that show sincerity in my requests for the needs and health of others and myself. Lead me away from frivolous asking and toward prayers that honor and glorify the Father, who loves and provides exactly…

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Prayer for Today

Elohim, you are the Mighty Creator, the LORD God, God Most High. There is none like you. You own all of creation. You provide abundantly for your beloved. Thank you for the faithful who offer back a portion of what you’ve given in order to support the congregation, its leaders and the buildings of worship….

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Prayer for Today

David prayed in the assembly, Father God. I join in his exaltation of your majesty glory and honor. I praise you for your victory. I give you the accolades due you, for you are loving, providing, keeping and strengthening me. And I thank you now, my God, in the name and authority of Jesus, according…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, I humbly ask that you make enough time in this day to get done all that needs doing for your name’s sake. I ask in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect will. Amen.   “Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, search me and try me to root out anything that comes between me and my God. Replace doubt with assurance, fear with your peace, and reluctance with excitement to serve. Guide me in the task you have set out for me today. Bolster my resolve to move forward at your leading. Be glorified…

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Prayer for Today

Lord God, establish me within my circle of influence. I ask your hand upon my life to guide my thoughts, words and works. Establish me in your Word. Teach me your ways that brighten my days and lead me to your glory in the name and authority of Jesus, according to your good and perfect…

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are from everlasting to everlasting. You are holy and divine. You are the Great I Am. There is none like you. You go out for the sake of your beloved. You are worthy of all glory and honor. Let my heart, mind and soul bring you praises morning and night. May I…

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Prayer for Today

Father God, I am not a king maker, but I am old and full of days. You have seen me through many a trial and many a victory in those days. I pray for the legacy of my days, Father. I pray your hand of wisdom and discernment upon my children and grand children. I…

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