Prayer for Today

Holy God, you are the author of wisdom. You planted the desire for eternity in our hearts. You send us out to bring your message to a dangerous world in need of Jesus. I pray for your saints away from home, spreading your eternal hope. Replace any homesickness with the sense of being home in…

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Prayer for Today

God of all, thank you for the rhythm of my day. It’s in the rumble of the thunder that woke me from sleep. It’s in my steps to the window to see the lightning flash. I feel it in my heartbeat that wakes to see another day. I hear it in the raindrops outside on…

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Prayer for Today

Holy Spirit, walk with me through Scripture today. Remove the mundane. Highlight the exceptional aspects of this Word that is living and breathing. There is no status quo with what it says. Each time I think I get it, you show me something new. Father, reach those willing to accept status quo and give them…

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, Abba, Daddy, help me with my unbelief. Forgive my moments of discouragement in ministry. They are fleeting, but you are faithful to delete them from my thoughts. The doubt flees each time I see a blessing pops out of something you asked me to do. This work on your behalf gets dry once…

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Prayer for Today

Heavy stuff is going down, Lord. People express opinions I ponder, but can’t relate to deeply, simply because I don’t have personal experience. Here is what I do know, Father. I trust in your word and in your perfect justice. I know I am to walk in a manner worthy of your calling. I want…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious and loving Father, today I lift up our marriages. The imagery of marriage is all through Scripture. Jesus performed the first recorded miracle at a wedding. You are setting up the marriage supper celebration between Jesus and his bride, the church. Marriage is important to you. May we see it as you do, Father….

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Prayer for Today

Almighty God, you are above all. You are the God of all flesh. Nothing is too hard for you. Lift the heads of our youth, Father. Open the flood gates of wisdom and truth; and send torrents of living water across the globe. Lift the ancient gates that the King of Glory may come in….

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Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, every day is a gift from you. Every year, every birthday records another period to praise and worship you. Thank you for those years. Thank you for the time we’ve come to know and cherish a relationship with you. Morning It’s autumn, again, and the birds sing Their praises to the morning sun….

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Prayer for Today

Father, we all have a mission field. Show us what it is today. For some of us it remains the same day-to-day; for some it changes daily. Set our heats to prepare and study. Help us be ready to respond in the moment. Holy Spirit, improve our discernment to know your prompting and follow your…

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Prayer for Today

Gracious, loving and all-powerful Father, you are the perfecter of peace and the God of all comfort. I struggle with the happenings all around me this morning. I struggle with moving into the future. I struggle with my past. I need rest and reassurance today. Renew my spirit with your promises. Remind me I am…

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